Friday 13 August 2010

Perth to the Southwest - Day 7

The next morning, the weather was good to us. We headed straight to the Mandurah Cruise area and again attacked another branch of the Miami Bakehouse. The pie here wasn't as good though.
We booked a cruise out to the Mandurah waterways in the faint hope that we can see some dolphins.
All ready to go!
We had the whole ferry to ourselves, and the kids spent more time running up and down the bow area than enjoying the scenery. One of the ferry crew who drove the boat is called Heidi!

Along the waterways, we could see rows and rows of condos and houses. Sentosa Cove probably got the idea from this place.

We were told by the crew that on average, each house cost about A$700,000 - A$800,000 or so. That's really not too bad if you compare to the property prices of Singapore. Those further away from the wharf and nearer the sea actually cost lesser, some for as low as $200,000 plus. Not bad.

A huge house in blue along the inlet, the crew told us, belonged to Lee Hsien Yang.

En route to Fremantle Markets.

Fremantle Markets, a popular tourist haunt, has over 150 stalls selling food, souvenirs, paintings, everything! Like a chatuchak, except that it is cleaner. So it was no surprise that a lot of Asians can be found here.

The market stock souvenirs that are unique and local, but the prices aren't cheap at all. Buskers also abound to ply their trade and render their version of popular songs.

After the hustle and bustle of Fremantle, our last destination before heading to the Perth city was Kings Park. I've always been a sucker for botanic gardens, and Kings Park is pretty awesome with its view and wide spaces to run about. Oliver wasted no time in running around the park and stretching those muscles.

I think most people would find the park quite ordinary as there wasn't too much features, except for a rounded arena where your voice could travel from one end to the other even if you speak softly. However, I think this is a great place, and I certainly hope that Heidi will enjoy such simplicity as much as I do in future.

A friendly Aussie was walking her Labrador Retriever and chatted with us. Her dog enjoyed rolling on the lawn. Oliver did just the same as well.

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