Tuesday 10 August 2010

Perth to the Southwest - Day 3 (Part 2)

Not in time for the Marron Farm. But we had a taste with the Marron pasta which Yvonne ordered. Fresh and succelent!

It was however, a very hurried lunch as we were rushing to catch the train.
The Pemberton Tramway Company
The tram meandered through towering karri, Marri and Jarrah forests, over trestle bridges spanning rivers and streams along one of Australia's most majestic rail lines.
In fact, the railway is now quite unused except for this tourist tram ride.
Both of them genuinely excited - one of the attractions well worth the money.
We bought this train replica for the 4 kids for them to remember this ride when they grow old. The fries from lunch was great but by the time we tar pow to the train, it became soggy. Heidi doesn't seem to mind though as she took along during the train's pitstop.
The 1 3/4 hour tram ride past the saw mill and stop at cascades.
With a bit of time to kill, we made our way to Yeagerup Dunes. It was a wrong move as we ended up lost in the National Park and on a gravel road meant for 4 wheels drive instead. Our Toyota Corolla nevertheless brought us safetly back on the road and we headed right away to Margaret River which was two hours away.

Travelling west, we were chasing light as the night fell on every mile we made. With no street light and only reflect on road, I was quite worried about Yvonne. It was probably the first time she drove on such condition. We were however quite impressed that she was travelling at a remarkable high speed.

We reached Comfort Inn Grange. The room was freezing cold. Boon Heng and Charles went out to get our dinner. We had lamb and beef Solvaki. Another yummy treat for the long day.

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