Sunday 1 August 2010


After hearing positive reviews on the movie Inception, we were tempted to watch it before our trip to Perth. After our dinner at Tonkichi at Lido, we caught the movie screening at 9.30pm with Heidi accompanying us. A good opportunity for us when Oliver was not around. Oliver would ask to go home and drink his milk. Heidi usually held onto me tightly and once a while, made a small noise that she was scare. Other than that, she would go to sleep mode after trying to catch glimpse of the movie when she mustered enough courage. She peaked through the corner of her eyes, eyeing fearfully at the big screen. By the time the movie ended, it was almost midnight. We were oblivious of time and flabbergasted by the movie plot. Indeed a movie not to be missed. Go for it before it's gone from the big screen.

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