Monday 9 August 2010

Perth to the Southwest - Day 2

This morning after a good night rest at the hotel, we drove southwest towards the historic port town of Albany. The distance we travelled down Albany was around 5 hours.

It took me more than 2 weeks before I update this, as this time round it is my turn to update the trip, so I will highlight my thoughts in red. So before my memory fades, here goes...

Once again the rental car is almost the same as the one we had in Japan, this Toyota Ascent vs the Toyota Corolla in May. Both are the same, very lightweight steering, but otherwise very roomy and new. Took me a while to get hang of the different side for the signal and wiper stalks when I got back too.
Heidi likes to have her shoes and sock removed during our car journey. She knows how to relax. It was also around this time that they started to swop seats, and even now back home Heidi still sometimes wants to sit on Oliver's side, depending on her mood.Oliver still spotting the Singapore Flag on his face after his National Day Celebration at Labrador Park on Friday, a day before our departure to Perth. The weather is very similar to the time we had in Hokkaido, and Oliver and Heidi took to the change in weather really well.Scenic road journey on South West - sky stretching around horizon, rolling hills and greenery.

The first stop was Mt Romance Sandalwood Factory. We moved on to Old Farm at Strawberry Hill thinking that we could fill our stomach with Devonshire tea and lunch. It was unfortunately closed during winter. We ended up in McDonalds. The Angus burger was delightfully juicy and yummy. Why can't we have such nice burgers at Mac in Singapore?

The Gap, Natural Bridge and Blowholes

This site is our favourite. The coastal cliffs and the splendid southern ocean.

This place is Sophia's favourite, with the magnificent view of the ocean and the rock formation. The kind of place we would go to and camp over before the Oliver and Heidi era.
The wind was strong and chilly. But what good opportunity to look good in that new coat and beanie.
A rare opportunity for a group photo, minus me.
Behind us is the Natural Bridge. The Southern Ocean has sculptured a Natural Bridge in the coastal granites and formed The Gap, where waves rush in and out with tremendous ferocity. The Gap boasts an enormous 24 metre drop to sea level.
What a sight to end our day. And what a nice place to practice your robot kungfu dancemove.
We stayed at Comfort Inn Albany for the night. Our dinner was Red Roster, my favourite. But it was too salty for our liking. Could not recalled that the chicken actually tasted so salty.
Such drive-in inns offer so much convenience, especially for families with kids and luggage.

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