Saturday 2 January 2010

Home Alone with Heidi

A day after Christmas, while having dinner with my family, Sophia noticed red spots on Heidi's feet.

She suspected that Heidi has HFMD, and we left Oliver at my mum's place as a precaution.

The next day, the red spots became blisters, on her feet, hands, bum, and face.

The obligatory confirmation at the GP was done on Monday. So school was out for Heidi. And Oliver too as he was with my mum. So it was home alone with Heidi and both me and Sophia took turns to take leave to look after her. Heidi became the 16th to be infected in this cluster of outbreak, and subsequently, Oliver was the 18th.

Oliver also developed red spots and complained of pain in his mouth. We finally decided to bring him home on New Year's Eve, as there was no point in isolating them now. However, Oliver's HFMD seemed to be a very mild version. We didn't bothered to send him to the GP as they is no cure anyway.

It was at the start of this HFMD that Heidi wean herself off. Maybe it was the ulcers in the mouth, maybe it was the loss of appetite, maybe she spent too much time with me.

But just like Oliver, she just weaned herself off one fine day with no withdrawal symptoms. If anything, Heidi, as well as Oliver, was very hyper these 2 days.

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