Saturday 16 January 2010

Heidi is such good girl

If you have read Oliver's blog and then Heidi's blog, you might find me a very biased mother. But I am just be making an objective statement here. Even Heidi's teachers agreed with me that Heidi is such good girl. Sally shared with me that Heidi is quite smart for her age, that Heidi understands their conversation. This, I can't agree more. Boon Heng and I are sometimes impressed with Heidi that she could actually comprehend what we are saying. Perhap, there are really much differences between boy and girl. When we reached home every night, Heidi without the need to be told would put her shoes on the shoe rack. After playing her toys, she would keep them back in the storage boxes. After drinking milk or eating fruits, she would walk to the kitchen and pass the bottle or bowl to us. Don't you have to agree with me?

I would, however, consciously tell myself that both Oliver and Heidi are at two different stages of development. Oliver on a whole is really a wonderful kid. He would pass the toy to Heidi when Heidi could not reach the toy in the car. Sometimes, when Heidi cried, he would tell us that Heidi was tired or Heidi wanted this or that toy. Yet, Oliver at threeish, the phase which kid is curious and always testing their boundary, how far they can go before triggering a reaction from their parent. When Oliver was at Heidi's age, I remember that he was cute, and is still very cute in his own and unique ways.

Indeed, we run a busy farm at Yan kit rearing a pig, a cow, a dog and a mouse. Stay busy we shall - and busy is a sign of good Fengshui. haha

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