Friday 25 December 2009

Christmas Eve at The Ritz Carlton

Eversince we had our first "overseas" trip to Rasa Sentosa, we looked forward to another overnight stay at the local hotel. The DBS promotion $288++ for an overnight stay at The Ritz Carlton caught my eyes and I thought why not soaked ourselves in Christmas mood. Last year, we celebrated Christmas at Prego and the food there were delicious.

The check-in time was 2.00pm. Even though I had planned to reach the hotel at 2.00pm, we only made it at 3.00pm. The 'adventure' started even before we reached the hotel. At around 10 minutes before 1pm (end of work day), I was swarmed with last minute work and even my dad called and insisted to talk to me in person. Imagine, I needed to reach Del-Care before 2pm to fetch Oliver and Heidi, and I actually intended to reach Ritz Carlton at 2.oopm to ensure my money were well spent. Even the traffic from my dad workplace was particularly slow and I had to get out of the car and ran towards my dad's office to save time. I was panting by the time I reached my dad's office. Back in the car, we were again stucked in a jam and finally reached Del-Care at 2pm. We headed home thereafter to pack our stuff and hop onto a taxi making our way finally to the Ritz Carlton. Oliver enjoyed himself in the short taxi ride and kept asking why Boon Heng could not drive a taxi like his dad, and the uncle driving the taxi. If I was the taxi driver, I would probably feel proud of myself at the moment with a little boy passenger admiring me and my driving job.

The taxi journey took less than 10 minutes and we were greeted by the warm and friendly frontline staff at The Ritz Carlton. Indeed, they live up to their reputation of giving the best service in town. Rasa Sentosa is nowhere near their standard. At the reception, I was offered to top up an additional $100++ to enjoy buffet all day at The Ritz-Carlton Club at 32 floor (highest) and an upgrade of my room to level 30. After such an evenful journey to the hotel, I was not too prepared for any other new adventure and readily agreed to the offer - staying inside the hotel and 'rot', and not had to hunt for food over the place. My decision turned out to be a really good investment, and we felt like VIP throughout our stay there.

Oliver and Heidi looking out from 3oth storey.
I forgot to bring our camera and Boon Heng had to go home and collect it and his car. Since we upgraded our package, we could now redeemed carpark coupon.
We went to the pool located at level 1 on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Heidi was having green fingers and was always picking up leaves from the pool. Oliver was in his dog mode doing the laps, running AROUND the pool (possibly at least 30 laps to and fro). So only the Daddy was actually in the pool most of the time. Unfortunately, I could not joined in as it was the time of the month again. = (
Back in the room, the three Chews had funtime enjoying the bathtub with a great view overlooking Kallang.

Hungry pangs struck after funtime at pool and bathtub. There was no rejecting of milk bottle even for Heidi.
We didn't planned it, but Yuen and her family were there too. But their stay was really a rush one compared to mine. I thought 3pm was already considered late for checking in until Yuen said that she reached Ritz at 5pm as Fudi had to work. Phew.. I was actually more lucky in that sense.
At the club, we caught the chorus from Victoria Junior College again at around 12nn. Christmas was in the air. Heidi was sleeping by now. She was enjoying herself the night before dancing while the chorus sang and clapped like any of us when the singing ended. It was such beautiful sight during the night and I wondered why we had not done this earlier. There were free flow of wines and that reminded me of the Pan family - the wine drinkers. I could imagine they would probably in cloud 9 if they were there.
I had a great time... and I believe Boon Heng, Oliver and Heidi all felt the same too.

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