Sunday 3 February 2013

Reminder note for mommy

I have lousy memory. This is bad because I cannot remember a story detailed enough to tell it again. It is good because I can forget the issues that bring sorrows and pain easier. Sometime I wonder if my pea-sized brain memory was due to the fall from a flight of stairs together with my toy cart when I was a kid, which I now had a dent on my head. Perhaps I kept saying it and this had led to Heidi thinking I forget things easily. Heidi on the other hand has elephant memory. The incident of the window art was a full proof. Today, another incident happened and I thought it was so adorable of her.

We went to pass the sliced pork to my brother but I asked the kids to stay in the car. We were all carried norovirus at different stage, and would rather not visit them. When we were at the car park, Oliver said he needed to go toilet (which I believe because he drank a cup of water before leaving) and Heidi quickly added on that she needed to go too (with a cheeky smile which she tried to hide). You win LOH! All of us had to go to my brother's place.

They were so happy to see their cousins. Heidi even boasted that Vera jie jie carried her up the toilet bowl. Di ah, you are not so short lah. Anyway, we left immediately after that.

Back in the car, the long winded Di started to say she wanted to go to their place. I explained the reasons and said that we would go again. And her usual statement- but you will forget! I tried to assure her that I would not, but she just went on and on. Finally, I got an idea. Instead of nagging me, I asked her to draw it out so that I would not forget. My memory not so bad yet. Thanks to myself... She finally zipped her mouth.

And truly my Heidi, out came the drawing once she reached home. The drawing had to be done before she brushed teeth and sleep. Oliver was already on his bed sleeping.

The three persons on the right are obviously Vera, Vivian and Veron. Behind them was their house which looked more like a fish tank. I don't have a chance to ask Heidi about the two persons on the left. I think these two must be .... You know who.

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