Sunday 31 January 2010

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Surprise! I am in your bag

For the last two weeks, Heidi would fill me in with little surprises on Monday. Last Monday, I went to work as usual after fetching the kids to school and breakfast with Boon Heng. Upon reaching my office, I would unpack stuffs from my bag - diary, handphone and sometimes papers. Last Monday, I have a little surprise in my bag. Heidi put a kaleidoscope in mybag without me knowing. My first reaction was really to laugh about it. It was as if I have a little Heidi in my bag telling me "I got you". And yesterday, Heidi caught me twice again by surprise. This time round, a little tub of playdo given by the Pan family. Silly as it may sound, but Heidi though her unintentional little actions really do touch my heart and I look forward at the start of every day the end of every day to see their beautiful smile and sparkle in their eyes the moment our eyes met.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Heidi is such good girl

If you have read Oliver's blog and then Heidi's blog, you might find me a very biased mother. But I am just be making an objective statement here. Even Heidi's teachers agreed with me that Heidi is such good girl. Sally shared with me that Heidi is quite smart for her age, that Heidi understands their conversation. This, I can't agree more. Boon Heng and I are sometimes impressed with Heidi that she could actually comprehend what we are saying. Perhap, there are really much differences between boy and girl. When we reached home every night, Heidi without the need to be told would put her shoes on the shoe rack. After playing her toys, she would keep them back in the storage boxes. After drinking milk or eating fruits, she would walk to the kitchen and pass the bottle or bowl to us. Don't you have to agree with me?

I would, however, consciously tell myself that both Oliver and Heidi are at two different stages of development. Oliver on a whole is really a wonderful kid. He would pass the toy to Heidi when Heidi could not reach the toy in the car. Sometimes, when Heidi cried, he would tell us that Heidi was tired or Heidi wanted this or that toy. Yet, Oliver at threeish, the phase which kid is curious and always testing their boundary, how far they can go before triggering a reaction from their parent. When Oliver was at Heidi's age, I remember that he was cute, and is still very cute in his own and unique ways.

Indeed, we run a busy farm at Yan kit rearing a pig, a cow, a dog and a mouse. Stay busy we shall - and busy is a sign of good Fengshui. haha

Friday 15 January 2010


That's one of the usual phrase that Heidi would say or shout. Nowadays she seems to want a lot of things, especially those that Oliver has too.


Thursday 7 January 2010


Heidi now says wowwwwwwww a lot, usually when in the car and she sees a huge truck or bus. A lot of things amaze her and her vocab is growing. On top of the banana and momma and bear and milk, I heard her said "car" when I carried her near the window last night.

She also brushes her mouth mimicking the whiskers whenever we say cat, or make a grrrrrr sound when we say dog.

Monday 4 January 2010

Heidi's first splash at Clarke Quay

I could not recall when was the last time we went to Clarke Quay with Oliver and played at its water play area. It was definitely months ago.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Home Alone with Heidi

A day after Christmas, while having dinner with my family, Sophia noticed red spots on Heidi's feet.

She suspected that Heidi has HFMD, and we left Oliver at my mum's place as a precaution.

The next day, the red spots became blisters, on her feet, hands, bum, and face.

The obligatory confirmation at the GP was done on Monday. So school was out for Heidi. And Oliver too as he was with my mum. So it was home alone with Heidi and both me and Sophia took turns to take leave to look after her. Heidi became the 16th to be infected in this cluster of outbreak, and subsequently, Oliver was the 18th.

Oliver also developed red spots and complained of pain in his mouth. We finally decided to bring him home on New Year's Eve, as there was no point in isolating them now. However, Oliver's HFMD seemed to be a very mild version. We didn't bothered to send him to the GP as they is no cure anyway.

It was at the start of this HFMD that Heidi wean herself off. Maybe it was the ulcers in the mouth, maybe it was the loss of appetite, maybe she spent too much time with me.

But just like Oliver, she just weaned herself off one fine day with no withdrawal symptoms. If anything, Heidi, as well as Oliver, was very hyper these 2 days.