Friday 10 April 2009

KKH Part 3 (photos)

Heidi trying out her baby cot bed in KKH Ward A at the start of her 3D/2N Stay. She signalled to us that the railing was too slow, and needed a higher one to prevent her from falling out.

Changing Heidi into the not-too-glam suit provided by the hospital. I could not remember how many suits we had changed for her during the 3 days stay. I am sure we changed her more than 10 times. Notice that she was lying on the cooling pad? What a clever way to keep a feverish Heidi cool. I will definitely get one for home in case Oliver or Heidi has fever.

Part of the itinerary included a round trip to level 1 where we could find Kopi-tiam, McDonalds, Delifrance, KKH Pharmacy (where I bought all my Destin Nappy Creams), Mothercare (I walked into this shop countless time, but never bought anytime from there before), The First Few Years and Pureen Shop (where I bought all my wet tissues)

Forgot to take pictures of other meals. This was the breakfast provided by the hospital for Heidi.... Heidi's Mum actually. The chicken patty was exactly the same as the one I had when I stayed at the KKH to deliver Heidi. But it tasted better now. Other people's food always taste nicer.

The luxury of staying in Ward A was the privacy.
There was a bigger space for us to work. I was very 'lucky' to be the secretary of the Monthly Management Meeting and got to work at hospital wherever Heidi sleeps.