Tuesday 14 April 2009

Ear Infection strikes again

Just when I thought Heidi is recovering after her hospital stay for 3 days, Heidi caught ear infection again. Poor Heidi still has loose stool up to 6 times a day. I am quite paranoid whether to bring her to see doctor again. For these two days, I took child medical leave to look after her. Tommorrow, she goes back to infant care centre. Hope that she will not get new infection from there again.

At home, Heidi wasted no opportunity to spend quality time with me. She wants to be carried around at all time. Right now, as I am blogging, little heidi is sitting on my lap and playing her bowl. I am very sure if I will to put her down again, she will look out for me and scream for my company. Irritating but yet so cute lah.

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