Monday 27 April 2009

Heidi's first crawl

I was so proud to see Heidi crawl on Sunday, 26 April 2009. She is 7 months 3 week old, which is much earlier than Oliver.

Saturday 25 April 2009

Heidi has been creeping around

For almost a month, Heidi has been creeping around. And I really mean round and round. She could not move forward, only backward, and only round and round. I can't wait to see her crawl.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Heidi's First Tooth at 7th month

Heidi got her first tooth at seventh month. The experience is almost the same as Oliver. Her toothache so such that she would not suckle well. Usually Heidi would latch on eagerly every evenings as Honey is to bee. But with the pain from her erupting teeth, she turned her head away and cried. In the end, I had to feed her using a spoon. At bedtime, she cried almost every hour and I had to carry her to smother her. It is really one painful experience after another. The ear infection, the diarrhoea, ear infection and toothache, but she is still very much her cheerful self.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Ear Infection strikes again

Just when I thought Heidi is recovering after her hospital stay for 3 days, Heidi caught ear infection again. Poor Heidi still has loose stool up to 6 times a day. I am quite paranoid whether to bring her to see doctor again. For these two days, I took child medical leave to look after her. Tommorrow, she goes back to infant care centre. Hope that she will not get new infection from there again.

At home, Heidi wasted no opportunity to spend quality time with me. She wants to be carried around at all time. Right now, as I am blogging, little heidi is sitting on my lap and playing her bowl. I am very sure if I will to put her down again, she will look out for me and scream for my company. Irritating but yet so cute lah.

Friday 10 April 2009

KKH Part 3 (photos)

Heidi trying out her baby cot bed in KKH Ward A at the start of her 3D/2N Stay. She signalled to us that the railing was too slow, and needed a higher one to prevent her from falling out.

Changing Heidi into the not-too-glam suit provided by the hospital. I could not remember how many suits we had changed for her during the 3 days stay. I am sure we changed her more than 10 times. Notice that she was lying on the cooling pad? What a clever way to keep a feverish Heidi cool. I will definitely get one for home in case Oliver or Heidi has fever.

Part of the itinerary included a round trip to level 1 where we could find Kopi-tiam, McDonalds, Delifrance, KKH Pharmacy (where I bought all my Destin Nappy Creams), Mothercare (I walked into this shop countless time, but never bought anytime from there before), The First Few Years and Pureen Shop (where I bought all my wet tissues)

Forgot to take pictures of other meals. This was the breakfast provided by the hospital for Heidi.... Heidi's Mum actually. The chicken patty was exactly the same as the one I had when I stayed at the KKH to deliver Heidi. But it tasted better now. Other people's food always taste nicer.

The luxury of staying in Ward A was the privacy.
There was a bigger space for us to work. I was very 'lucky' to be the secretary of the Monthly Management Meeting and got to work at hospital wherever Heidi sleeps.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Heidi in KKH part 2

Total no. of poo today - 8
Heidi has no more blood stain in stool.
Poo test - rota virus negative
Blood test - Virus negative
Heidi's mood - chatty
Now waiting for the culture test on the poo to determine the presence of bacteria
I think we should be going home tommorrow. = )

Heidi in KKH

Two weeks ago, Heidi was referred to KKH, ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) specialist and appointment was scheduled on 27 April. Heidi has decided to push the visitation to KKH earlier, and her body reacted to it by having a series of watery stool, including blood in stool. So here we are, second day in KKH. I am having a bad headache from the lack of sleep. Heidi now resting on the bed after drinking and another round of wet stool.

It all started on Tuesday night, or Wed morning (2.30 am). I had just finished my work, brushed my teeth before transferring Heidi to bed. Then, she poo. I changed her, not knowing that it was the start of the diarrhea. She latched on for a while and started to cry again. And I heard the poo sound. All in all, she poo about 4 times between 2 and 4 am. In between, she vomitted about 4 times. I had a new change of clothes, and Boon Heng helped to clear the spoiled bed sheet and wiped the floor. Sleepless night. Heidi finally dozed off in my arms at around 430am and I finally had some sleep.

700am, she woke up after pooing. Oh.. I wished she can sleep a bit longer. She poo twice. The first one, there was some pinkish stain on the diaper. The second one, there was blood and mucus. Time to see doctor.

We were supposed to bring Heidi for her scheduled jab at Outram Polyclinics, and Chicken pox for Oliver as well. So instead of bringing Heidi for her jab, we consulted Doctor Theresa Chan on her condition. She immediately referred her to Accident & Emergency of KKH. However, we waited for a while for Oliver to be jab. The receptionist messed up and Boon Heng was very upset about it. I will leave him to tell you what happened there.

At around 11 am, we reached KKH A&E. They are very efficient except the car park is full. Boon Heng had to park his car somewhere else. At about 12 noon, we are allocated a bed in Ward C, while waiting for a vacant bed in Ward A. Ward C is not air-conditioned (which I don't mind), but definitely not very conducive. It is a 6-person ward. The kid beside me (think he is about 14 years old) looked really sick and I was very worried if Heidi could catch any of the virus from the children there.

At 3pm, we finally transferred Heidi to Ward A. I was too happy to understand or even complain when a frustrated Boon Heng told me that the Ward A room was empty for a long time, and he could not understand why we wouldn't transferred there earlier. It reminded me of the bad experiences I had in KKH.

Back to Heidi again. Last night, Heidi had fever about 39c. It went down now. This morning, she poo three times. Doctor came this morning and recommended her for observation for another day. Although she had no more blood stool, she needed to be monitored for her temperature.

Thursday 2 April 2009


Or mermer. The pronunciation is not consistent but the meaning is clear.

Heidi can clearly call for her mama when she needs attention or milk.

She can even do the sign language for milk. So clever.

Mer ... Mer ...

For about two weeks, Heidi starts to say "Mer..." whenever she wants to drink milk or she want me to cuddle her. When I try a bit harder to listen to her, I can even heard her call me "Mommy". And I am so proud of it, because Oliver took two years before he can call me "Mommy". Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that I am not proud of Oliver. Oliver is a smart baby... he impresses us when he can vocalise some words when he was three months old. Having to hear Heidi call mommy somehow acts like an affirmation to me as a mother that I am doing it well. Gosh, I am mother (it sounds really strange that I am actually saying that I am a mother). Three years back, I was still a happy, but bored single wondering whether I should have a kid to kill my time. Now, I am still happy, and definitely not bored. The role of a mother requires mental alertness, emotional challenge and physical exertion (overtired breasts.. haha).