Monday 30 November 2015

Sunday 18 October 2015

Friday 11 September 2015

Happy 7th birthday Heidi

Dear Heidi, you got your wishes, but I have not got my wishes yet- more girls only outing with you. Love mommy

Monday 20 July 2015

Monday 13 July 2015

What a BAGus week!

Three new bags in one week. Two bags from her cousin, Manqin. One from Smiggle.

Friday 26 June 2015

Mushroom craze

Heidi favourite mushroom item at Sushi Tei

Saturday 20 June 2015

My girl's so pretty

... these are the words from her dad.  Daddy is truly mesmerized by his girl.

Thursday 11 June 2015

First visit to a nail parlour

First time doing her nails at a parlour, Heidi looked more worried than excited. She was so worried than she could hardly mutter a word, and only nod her head when I speak to her.

She had a bunny painted on her thumb and pink polka dots on alternate fingers. Quite pretty. I had my nail done up too and even though they looked nice, it is just not me. Gosh, I hate the smell of the nail polish.

I am really glad that I brought her to try out the nail. It feels like a learning experience to build up Heidi's courage than an act of frivolous parenting or vanity at such young age.

When we walked out of the parlour, I asked Heidi if she enjoys it and wants to come again. She smiled at me and said "no". Haha, the surprise I planted for her must have been a tad too daunting.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Birthday lunch at Sushi Jin

Another year passed with me turning 42, and Kyler 4 months old. By the time I got 80, Kyler will be close to 40. Wonder how life will be ... now, just a simple birthday wish that all of us are always happy and healthy.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Starting afresh at FORMs Ballet

We switched Heidi to another ballet school after her ballet teacher Ms Liu at NAFA was assigned to another level.

Heidi now seems happier at FORMS as her teacher Mrs Susan Cheong is more encouraging.  The group size is smaller and the girls talk to one another. At NAFA, it has always been 'train and go'. I hope Heidi opens up soon and mingle with her newfound friends.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Mosquito bites from RVPS

My correspondences with RVPS

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Homemade cinnamon bread

The first attempt followed the recipe from zojirushi bread maker book. Not too bad, but Oliver felt that it was not sweet enough.  The second attempt was a recipe taken from Nasi Lemak Lover - Almond Cinnamon. The kids didn't like the almond. The texture of the bread was deliciously soft, but I would prefer a stickier paste.

Somehow, I find myself starting to like the touch of the dough. It feels pretty therapeutic.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Breakfast at Bread & Hearth

We were famished after bringing Kyler to take his jab.  Found this cafe which bakes their own bread - Bread & Hearth. My type of cuppacino, albeit too small a cup for me. The almond croissant is fresh and crispy. Love it totally. The only downside is that the cafe is really small. We manage to squeeze our stroller between the drink fridge and the table, so I ended sitting along the walkway and conscious of blocking the customers making their way in. Another great find and great place which does not have service charge. :)

Saturday 14 March 2015

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Drawing of Heidi's birthday party?

We found this drawing at home. Wondering if she drew her 6th birthday party. Her cake was also frozen theme.

Saturday 28 February 2015