Saturday 12 January 2013

Speech and drama class at Julia Gabriel

Not too sure if I have made the right decision. I was contemplating between I can read and JG drama class. At the end, it was JG drama class. Although Heidi could pick up words very fast, this girl lacks the social confidence especially in unfamiliar environment. These days, Heidi has slowly learnt to warm up to my friends, as observed by them. They find Heidi more talkative and interactive with them. Last year, her teacher commented that Heidi kept to herself during Singing and dancing class. She would sit at a corner to observe and not participate. This has been rather worrying for me. At the school concert, Heidi was also overwhelmed and tear on the stage. Hopefully, attending drama class helps.

First class today and Heidi needed to be coaxed to sit in her class on her own. We observed her and she, as expected, did not participate in class. Gosh, she reminded me so much of myself when I was younger. I was extremely introvert at school, partly due to my family state of affairs and my constant changing of AM/PM sessions which meant a new start to making friends. Think my childhood had been rather drama than Heidi. Well, let's see how things go next week.

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