Friday 11 January 2013

Finally a breadmaker!

After considering for many months, I have finally decided to buy a bread maker. For the past months, I have been reading reviews and comments on the type of breadmaker to buy. And, I decide that it will be an expensive decision. Zojirushi elephant that is. To save money, I have surfed through past Robinson promotions and others. At promotion, the breadmaker still cost about 350 or more. With much luck, I chanced upon a forum and found out that I could get this elephant for only $295. I told Boon Heng about this good buy. He said that I had to get it since I have had been talking about getting one for a long while.

Today gonna be the day! Away I go to Goh Ah Bee at Kovan... Here I come, dear elephant!

And to my dear babies at home, how about some homemade healthy bread ^_^

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