Wednesday 8 February 2012

Another musical genius in the house

I was extremely surprised by Heidi last Saturday before and during music class, so much so that even getting a parking summon didn't bother me.

Firstly, when we reached Forum, Heidi want me to go with her to the class. That's really strange, normally she would want Sophia.

At music class, she is usually non-participative despite egging by either me or Sophia. But last Saturday, she started as usual but suddenly... she just tranformed into another Heidi. Not only was she quick to respond to Ms Elaine's questions, and she also seemed to know all her notes and colouring really well. Everything that Elaine asked, she had an answer for it and was always the first to answer.

And for the first time, she walked out to the piano herself and played the notes! Awesome.

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