Sunday 27 June 2010

Sunday at Changi Boardwalk

I always think that it is better to bring Heidi and Oliver outdoors than to go to some malls or stay at home. But since Singapore is so small, and some of the parks are either out of the way and not so interesting, there really isn't many places we can go. Luckily there's Changi Broadwalk.
We were there the day after visiting Botanic Gardens. All 4 of us woke up from an afternoon nap, which is very rare, and decided to go there. Heidi and Oliver loved the broadwalk and soon they were holding hands and walking ahead of us.
The place is really idyllic, so much so that I was tempted to check out the membership of the Changi Beach Club as well as the Changi Sailing Club the next day. Not too sure if it will be a white elephant investment though, as we barely use the swimming pool at home.
Anyway, we covered more than half the stretch of the broadwalk, didn't realised that it was actually quite long. After that dinner was at Charlie's Corner for dinner and riding on the kiddy rides. Will definitely be back soon.

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