Saturday 26 June 2010

Lazy Saturday at Botanic Gardens

We had been wanting to go Botanic Gardens for the longest time. It was either the kids slept at noon, or the sky poured on our way there, never a good time. Today, the weather was great and we gave it a try. We reached the gardens at around 4.30 pm when it was still warm and humid, but bearable. The men went kicking the ball and we the girls just sat on the picnic mat and relaxed. Somehow after having kids, I just never find the energy to exercise. What more on such good weather, just sit down on the mat and relax. Anyway, someone had to look after our bag, right?
Heidi was just walking around , not running about. I mean... don't be mistakenly by the picture that I was the only lazy one.
Poor Heidi and her mosquito bites. She had eight bites all over her body.

Oliver loved running and going after the ball. He had a strange habit of sitting down or laying flat on the field suddenly. No idea why he did that. Noticed the boy behind the old and and young chew. He was such a sociable boy. He just dropped his scooter and played with Oliver. Quite skilful as I noticed he only kicked with his legs and never pick up the ball with his hands unlike Oliver.

Lucky us. Duman High School Band were performing and we loved it. Oliver in his usual irritating self, said he was hungry and we had to left the performance halfway for Casa Verde.
Heading towards Casa Verda with the two kids insisting to carry the ball on their back. Their funny antic humoured some of the park goers there, as they gave us a smile back.
Goodbye Botanic Gardens and see you soon!

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