Sunday 27 June 2010

Sunday at Changi Boardwalk

I always think that it is better to bring Heidi and Oliver outdoors than to go to some malls or stay at home. But since Singapore is so small, and some of the parks are either out of the way and not so interesting, there really isn't many places we can go. Luckily there's Changi Broadwalk.
We were there the day after visiting Botanic Gardens. All 4 of us woke up from an afternoon nap, which is very rare, and decided to go there. Heidi and Oliver loved the broadwalk and soon they were holding hands and walking ahead of us.
The place is really idyllic, so much so that I was tempted to check out the membership of the Changi Beach Club as well as the Changi Sailing Club the next day. Not too sure if it will be a white elephant investment though, as we barely use the swimming pool at home.
Anyway, we covered more than half the stretch of the broadwalk, didn't realised that it was actually quite long. After that dinner was at Charlie's Corner for dinner and riding on the kiddy rides. Will definitely be back soon.

Saturday 26 June 2010

Lazy Saturday at Botanic Gardens

We had been wanting to go Botanic Gardens for the longest time. It was either the kids slept at noon, or the sky poured on our way there, never a good time. Today, the weather was great and we gave it a try. We reached the gardens at around 4.30 pm when it was still warm and humid, but bearable. The men went kicking the ball and we the girls just sat on the picnic mat and relaxed. Somehow after having kids, I just never find the energy to exercise. What more on such good weather, just sit down on the mat and relax. Anyway, someone had to look after our bag, right?
Heidi was just walking around , not running about. I mean... don't be mistakenly by the picture that I was the only lazy one.
Poor Heidi and her mosquito bites. She had eight bites all over her body.

Oliver loved running and going after the ball. He had a strange habit of sitting down or laying flat on the field suddenly. No idea why he did that. Noticed the boy behind the old and and young chew. He was such a sociable boy. He just dropped his scooter and played with Oliver. Quite skilful as I noticed he only kicked with his legs and never pick up the ball with his hands unlike Oliver.

Lucky us. Duman High School Band were performing and we loved it. Oliver in his usual irritating self, said he was hungry and we had to left the performance halfway for Casa Verde.
Heading towards Casa Verda with the two kids insisting to carry the ball on their back. Their funny antic humoured some of the park goers there, as they gave us a smile back.
Goodbye Botanic Gardens and see you soon!

Monday 14 June 2010

Jacob Ballas

The sky threatened to rain when we reached Botanic Gardens last evening, and we decided to drive slightly further to Jacob Ballas. Surprisingly, the weather there was great despite being just a stone's throw away.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

37th Birthday Celebration

Celebrating birthday with kids around is indeed a different kind of feeling. In the past, it was just the two of us, and buying of birthday cake is a simple task. We just bought cake which we had not tried before and flavours which we like. Now, the flavour of our cake has to suit the tastebud of our kids as well. See this little tiny chocolate cake in the picture, we bought it as we were worried that Oliver would not fancy the other chestnut flavour. We couldn't decide at the cake shop and decide to go for two tiny cakes rather than one huge chestnut cake. I did not mention Heidi as she is the not so fussy one. And I had two rounds of birthday song, with Oliver blowing the candles. Look at him, holding the knife and ready to cut the cake anytime.

In the afternoon, Boon Heng brought me to this place - Food for thought. Mmm, a place which I wanted to go but for a different reason. Food was nice and atmosphere was pleasant. Anyway, those who heard my story had a good laugh at what happened.. and most likely, this birthday is going to be the most memorable birthday ever. Took this picture outside Food for Thought, cute bunny.