Friday 27 November 2009

Heaven's Loft at Orchard Central

Heaven's Loft is located at level 7 of the Orchard Central opened early this year. It has an outdoor area which offers reasonably good view. The day we were there, the air were cool after a heavy downpour. We intended to go Botanic Gardens, but instead ended up in Orchard Central.Heidi relaxing on the lounge chair at Heaven's loft outdoor patio (ermm, relaxed for 5 seconds perhaps)
Heidi and Oliver insisted on bringing their pushbag out.
Many passerby were impressed by Heidi pushing her bag.
View at Orchard Central
Oliver taking picture of himself.
Also Oliver taking picture of me.
Another shot of Oliver taking picture of himself.
Heidi feeling high after drinking my coffee latte.
If Heidi could articulate her thoughts, it would be "Look, I am flying."

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