Friday 27 November 2009

Heaven's Loft at Orchard Central

Heaven's Loft is located at level 7 of the Orchard Central opened early this year. It has an outdoor area which offers reasonably good view. The day we were there, the air were cool after a heavy downpour. We intended to go Botanic Gardens, but instead ended up in Orchard Central.Heidi relaxing on the lounge chair at Heaven's loft outdoor patio (ermm, relaxed for 5 seconds perhaps)
Heidi and Oliver insisted on bringing their pushbag out.
Many passerby were impressed by Heidi pushing her bag.
View at Orchard Central
Oliver taking picture of himself.
Also Oliver taking picture of me.
Another shot of Oliver taking picture of himself.
Heidi feeling high after drinking my coffee latte.
If Heidi could articulate her thoughts, it would be "Look, I am flying."

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Songs of Heidi & Oliver

Found these 2 songs, one by Bjork done in 1977 when she was still a kid.

The other circa 1978 apparently for a Heidi movie or musical.

Totally no idea what they are singing, but both songs are pretty catchy.

Monday 23 November 2009

Heidi and Mummy

Boon Heng thinks Heidi mirror me in the liking of books. Heidi would sit down and flipped pages of the book (always exclaimed when she saw a picture of the 'nurse' or 'lion'). Yesterday, we went to the Borders and Boon Heng said that she was excitedly aroused by the array of books. Heidi is exactly like me! I am bookworm. I visit library, my favourite place. Used to be the National library at Stamford road, was demolished to make way for the tunnel; the National Library@Orchard, gone some years back and totally have no idea what happened to it.

Walk at the Beach after celebrating Oliver's Birthday

Friday 20 November 2009

How I love Christmas

Tis the season to be jolly! And how I love Christmas. The lift lobby of Fuji-xerox tower and the building surronding it were decorated with Christmas trees. Oliver and Heidi love to touch the christmas tree at the lift lobby. Yesterday, Oliver and Heidi both grabbed the empty christmas presents placed on the bottom of the trees. Fortunately, they both understood my instruction to put them back. Picture this, a mother yelling at and trying to chase after two kids running away with the present. Not a very cool way to kick start this cool and rainy season of Christmas.

Pushing trolley bag is not big deal

Oliver has a new trolley bag to replace his old backpack. Watching Oliver pushing his bag along, Heidi amazingly picks up the skill in no time. As I let Heidi pushed Oliver's trolley bag on the way back at Fuji-xerox lobby last week, the office workers were overwhelmed at the sight and laughed watching Heidi steadily pushing the bag across the crowd. It was indeed a comical sight as I realised that there was another male office worker pushing his working trolley bag at the same time.

Sleeping on her own

Heidi has been sleeping on her own for almost two months. The good news is that she dozes off at an increasingly faster pace than before. Two months back, I moved her from her bouncer to our king-sized bed. Occasionally, I had to put her back to the bouncer and rock her to sleep. These days, she would shake her head when I said bouncer. These two weeks, she took less than 15 minutes after light off before progressing toslumberland. As compared to a hour of rocking, it is such a relief to me. At times, I dozed off before Heidi. So far, the first to sleep is Oliver, followed by Boon Heng, Heidi and I. It used to be Boon Heng first but recently Oliver revived his old habit of having his back and legs scratched every night.

Monday 9 November 2009

You want to sleep on the bouncer?

With Oliver, it is using Monster to trick him. With Heidi, it is about reminding her of the undesirable option and letting her decide on the choice. Heidi dislikes sleeping on the bouncer and every night, I will point to the bouncer and ask Heidi "do you want to sleep on the bouncer?" She will look at it and shake her head, then point to the pillow on the bed to indicate her preferred choice of sleeping on the bed. To please us, she will rest her head on the pillow for a few seconds and get up. So the cycle of asking starts again...

Tonight, I decide to swaddle her with the blanket so that she cannot move her hands. She got really angry and struggled to get out of it. My next move is to hold the blanket in front of her and instruct her to sleep. Seeing the blanket in my hand, she keeps shaking her head and when I said "Heidi. Sleep." She did as instructed. I shall try the same trick tomorrow, hee hee.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Goodbye to Heidi's first pair of shoes

The shoes were passed down from my brother's girl, or probably girls. This pair of Adidas shoes looked extremely comfortable and I probably might have bought a pair for myself. Heidi worn it since she started walking. It took her about two months before the sole of shoes came off leaving her toes and toe nails dirty whenever she walked them around. What a pity! It is such a cool pair of sneakers.