Friday 30 October 2009

Goodbye my constant companion, 'double expresso'

It has been a long journey for my constant companion and I. 13-month has been a long while, well, at least thats how I feel. We have come a long way together, my double expresso lactation bag. Everyday for past 9 months, I would carry it with me to work. At first, I expressed every three hourly and as months passed, I gradually reduced the no. of times and until recently at 13-month, it had been only once a day during work. The very last time I expressed was Friday, 23 October 2009 at 530pm and 90 ml. I still have it all frozen up in the freezer. Anyone want it to go with their coffee or tea? ha. ha. I am so gross to joke about it.

Anyway, that's what the experienced and motherly lactation consultant Yanpeng suggested during the prenatal class I had attended when I was expecting Oliver. Don't waste it, she said. Mother milk is full of nutrients. Mix with coffee and tea and let your husband drink. If you are thinking whether I made Boon Heng drink, just think again. I am not telling you.

Talking about my double expresso bag. The good experience and the bad. The dual express lactation equipment is not exactly cheap. It cost me around $600 and I had it delivered to me at KKH hospital. When it came, I was quite excited. It was as if I was opening my Christmas present, except this one can made a cow moo moo and work it really hard. At the first few months, I used it religiously every three hourly day and night. While catching a nap inbetween the three hourly cycles, I even had nightmares of me expressing. Even Boon Heng dreamt of the noise generated from it as I used it so often.

It had became easier when I had Heidi. Experience made all the difference. I did it for almost one whole year and expressing has been a breeze. But I guess, there come a time when one has to make a decision when to stop, and it seems like I finally have to say goodbye to my constant companion. As I look at my bag sitting in my living room, I feel a sense of guilt, a tinge of sadness and yet sign of relief. It is likely that it will be a goodbye forever and there is no turning back. Now, I wonder how long would Heidi latch on and how long will the next journey. Would it be too far-fetched if I am looking beyond two years? I never know but I shall work towards it.

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