Friday 30 October 2009

Goodbye my constant companion, 'double expresso'

It has been a long journey for my constant companion and I. 13-month has been a long while, well, at least thats how I feel. We have come a long way together, my double expresso lactation bag. Everyday for past 9 months, I would carry it with me to work. At first, I expressed every three hourly and as months passed, I gradually reduced the no. of times and until recently at 13-month, it had been only once a day during work. The very last time I expressed was Friday, 23 October 2009 at 530pm and 90 ml. I still have it all frozen up in the freezer. Anyone want it to go with their coffee or tea? ha. ha. I am so gross to joke about it.

Anyway, that's what the experienced and motherly lactation consultant Yanpeng suggested during the prenatal class I had attended when I was expecting Oliver. Don't waste it, she said. Mother milk is full of nutrients. Mix with coffee and tea and let your husband drink. If you are thinking whether I made Boon Heng drink, just think again. I am not telling you.

Talking about my double expresso bag. The good experience and the bad. The dual express lactation equipment is not exactly cheap. It cost me around $600 and I had it delivered to me at KKH hospital. When it came, I was quite excited. It was as if I was opening my Christmas present, except this one can made a cow moo moo and work it really hard. At the first few months, I used it religiously every three hourly day and night. While catching a nap inbetween the three hourly cycles, I even had nightmares of me expressing. Even Boon Heng dreamt of the noise generated from it as I used it so often.

It had became easier when I had Heidi. Experience made all the difference. I did it for almost one whole year and expressing has been a breeze. But I guess, there come a time when one has to make a decision when to stop, and it seems like I finally have to say goodbye to my constant companion. As I look at my bag sitting in my living room, I feel a sense of guilt, a tinge of sadness and yet sign of relief. It is likely that it will be a goodbye forever and there is no turning back. Now, I wonder how long would Heidi latch on and how long will the next journey. Would it be too far-fetched if I am looking beyond two years? I never know but I shall work towards it.

Saturday 10 October 2009

Heidi and her friends in Del-Care

See more Photographs of the kids having a Balloon Time

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Walking Baby

It is amazing to see how Heidi has progressed from crawling to walking. Weighing at close to 8 kg, Heidi is a tiny and petite little girl and seeing her walk made me feel proud. This tells that size does not matter. Comparatively, Oliver at this stage are more chubby, but in term of health, Heidi is much stronger. Oliver, I remember, kept falling sick and I almost wanted to take a monthlong leave to look after him so that he could be cleared of all the virus passed to him from his Infant Care Centre. Maybe it is due to the Mother's milk which Heidi is still taking which has kept her strong and virus at bay. And because of this very reason, I continue to express at work, although now, it is down to once a day. Jia yu, I tell myself... I will get used to waking up at night. My little girl need it to stay strong. And look at the way she walks and trying to balance herself, it is really an amazing sight.

Friday 2 October 2009

Falling in love again

Have you ever looked at the same person and suddenly feel that you are falling in love with him or her again? It happens to me. Although the feeling may not be as intense as the very first, it is a wonderful feeling. When two become familiar with each other, Love works differently and has a totally new definition. Our heart no longer miss a beat. It has grown stronger knowing that there is always someone with you wherever you are. Just want to say... you know who you are and thanks for everything.

Guess who I am talking about... Boon Heng ..and his car ..
Wah ha ha..