Thursday 2 July 2009


Heidi started having fever last Saturday. Her fever peaks at around 39.8 degrees celisiu. Despite giving her the paracetomol, her temperature remains high. She looked really tired. Too bad, I did not capture her in her fatigue state as my pea-sized brain forgets that I leave the camera battery in office. After monitoring for two days, I decided to visit Dr Veronica Toh at Raffles' Children Clinic. Without making an appointment, I dropped by at the clinic at around 8.30am and fortunately, the wait was about one hour. The waiting time can get really bad at times.

Dr Veronica diagnosed Heidi of having Bronchiolitis. a condition similar to Oliver when he was about ten months old. Our kids bonded really well and shared similar milestones. It is the inflamation of the smaller branches of the bronchial tree in his lung. Like Oliver, Heidi needs to be nebulised. But somehow, Heidi takes to it more readily than Oliver. After a few attempts of struggling and crying, this smart little girl knows it is a waste of her efforts to fight the strength of her parents and simply relaxed to the noise of the nebuliser. She would once a while during the nebilising process, shows her frustraton by lifting both of her legs up and down. Quite entertaining, I thought. Every six hourly, we have to nebulise Heidi and every seven hourly, she takes her medicine. Poor girl.
Boon Heng and I both take turns to look after Heidi at home. Today (Thursday - fourth day of seeing doctor), we went for a follow-up. The good news is that Heidi's condition improved and she needs not be nebulised. The bad news is Dr Toh prescribed another four oral medication. In total, she has six different medications to take. Heidi has since lost half a kilo to bronchiolitis due to the frequent vomitting. Now at 7.4 kilo, she is looking quite frail and thin now. She was almost 8 kilo last month when we brought her for checkup at Outram Polyclinic.

Despite being sick and probably half the time suffering from overdose of medicine into the little body, Heidi is still a smiley little girl. Her hands would grab anything interesting such as rubbish bin, door stopper, recycled bag, lint and either the stuff will end up in her mouth or you find her biting it. I almost freaked out when she overturned the rubbish bin and grabbed those vegetable scraps. Gosh, she was damn fast. I found myself shouting Heidi at least once every hour, and sometime many times at an interval. This little girl is sure developing very fast and getting very curious at everything.

I have got two love bites on my thigh today because she was not too happy with me preparing dinner and ignoring her. After the first bite, she decided that mummy was not listening and gave another bite. In case you are wondering if they feel like love bites, no way.. they hurt. "Heidi" I shouted again and I raised my voice uncontrollably at Heidi. Surprisely, she can sense my outburst of anger very well because she shows me a face "Mummy scolded me.. wah wah...".

Heidi is just so cute.

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