Wednesday 29 July 2009

Heidi hates to sit in the car seat

The noise of crying is unbearable whenever I heard Heidi cries when we put her in the car seat at the back. Heidi would kick and arch her back to struggle when I was about to put her in her car seat. Sometimes, the toys we have in the car - Bob the builder or the storybook can placate her. Even so, it is only a matter of time, usually less than 5minutes and you will find her crying with all her might. These days, even Oliver will ignore her crying when in the past, he will keep looking at Heidi and wondering why she cried. Thats how frequent and consistent Heidi's crying episodes in the car.

Monday 20 July 2009

Cable Playing and Paper chewing

It is a strange thing that babies find electrical cables and sockets interesting. For 10 months old Heidi, her interest in cable is shortlived as compared to Oliver. Her interests are picking up paper to chew and chewing the rubber tires of Oliver's toy car.

Yesterday, she vomitted out some dark particles which was probably the remains from the paper box of Heinz Biscuit. She ate only half the biscuits and I found it on the ground. I gave her a second piece and Heidi merely gave a few bites and threw on the ground. So it was not an accidental drop but a deliberate throw on the ground. Guess the paper box tastes much better.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Fairy Tooth Mother is back!

Fairy Tooth Mother visited us at seemingly endless nights and poor Heidi would cry for most parts of the nights. She would yearn to latch on for comfort. So you can imagine how my past two weeks went by. Sleepless nights. Eversince Heidi recovered from bronchilitis, she had experienced growth spur waking up around four times every night. Then the Fairy Tooth Mother, or should I call it Fairy Tooth Monster came visiting and the number of times had been at LEAST four times. For two of these nights, Heidi woke up a record time of eight times to cry. In the morning, I would wake up with a headache and craved for caffeine in a hot cup of coffee shop tea. Last Friday night was the worst night for me as I could not sleep in between her waking hours. I had no idea why I couldn't sleep and the PA songs which my office has been working on kept ringing in my head. Gosh... the PA songs were robbing me of my sleep. Unbelievable.

Monday 13 July 2009

Oliver & Heidi

Nowadays Heidi is pretty excited to see Oliver and will play with him, either fighting for the same toys at the living rom or thrashing themselves on our bed. Oliver will also call out Heidi's name in his half-sleepy state or when he just wakes up.

This evening, after Sophia had fed Heidi and was washing up, Oliver actually took a tissue paper and wiped Heidi's mouth, and said that it is "so dirty". After that he threw the tissue paper away at the rubbish bin. We didn't teach Oliver all that.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Zoo Out

The last time we visited the zoo was in March 2008 with Oliver, a long long time ago.

On 6 July, Delcare was closed and so the 4 of us had an extended weekend.

The weather was really terrific and both Oliver and Heidi were pretty agreeable too. Both of them could sat together on the clumbersome double stroller for a long while intially.

We didn't quite cover most of the zoo, but we think they probably enjoyed themselves, especially during the new boat ride and the short tram ride, even though obviously Heidi was still oblivious to the animals.

At one of the place, called Garden With A View, which oversee the Seletar reservoir, there was a bronze statue of Ah Meng. We happily placed the pram in front of Ah Meng and Sophia was busy snapping away on the camera.

Then I heard some rustling sound and the next moment the top half of a crust of a fruit like a coconut, although this was beautifully cut, like a Playmobil hairstyle, came crashing down near Sophia. So near that if she was hit it would be very painful. I suspected that that was the doing of a monkey and we quickly left the place.

Only on the boat ride later that the guide explained that that was the placed where Ah Meng was married and buried. Oh well.

On the way back we also took a photo of the fake otter like the previous outing.

The day ended perfectly as both of them slept on the way back home at 4pm until they were woken up for dinner in the late evening.

Hangover at Prive

Thursday 2 July 2009


Heidi started having fever last Saturday. Her fever peaks at around 39.8 degrees celisiu. Despite giving her the paracetomol, her temperature remains high. She looked really tired. Too bad, I did not capture her in her fatigue state as my pea-sized brain forgets that I leave the camera battery in office. After monitoring for two days, I decided to visit Dr Veronica Toh at Raffles' Children Clinic. Without making an appointment, I dropped by at the clinic at around 8.30am and fortunately, the wait was about one hour. The waiting time can get really bad at times.

Dr Veronica diagnosed Heidi of having Bronchiolitis. a condition similar to Oliver when he was about ten months old. Our kids bonded really well and shared similar milestones. It is the inflamation of the smaller branches of the bronchial tree in his lung. Like Oliver, Heidi needs to be nebulised. But somehow, Heidi takes to it more readily than Oliver. After a few attempts of struggling and crying, this smart little girl knows it is a waste of her efforts to fight the strength of her parents and simply relaxed to the noise of the nebuliser. She would once a while during the nebilising process, shows her frustraton by lifting both of her legs up and down. Quite entertaining, I thought. Every six hourly, we have to nebulise Heidi and every seven hourly, she takes her medicine. Poor girl.
Boon Heng and I both take turns to look after Heidi at home. Today (Thursday - fourth day of seeing doctor), we went for a follow-up. The good news is that Heidi's condition improved and she needs not be nebulised. The bad news is Dr Toh prescribed another four oral medication. In total, she has six different medications to take. Heidi has since lost half a kilo to bronchiolitis due to the frequent vomitting. Now at 7.4 kilo, she is looking quite frail and thin now. She was almost 8 kilo last month when we brought her for checkup at Outram Polyclinic.

Despite being sick and probably half the time suffering from overdose of medicine into the little body, Heidi is still a smiley little girl. Her hands would grab anything interesting such as rubbish bin, door stopper, recycled bag, lint and either the stuff will end up in her mouth or you find her biting it. I almost freaked out when she overturned the rubbish bin and grabbed those vegetable scraps. Gosh, she was damn fast. I found myself shouting Heidi at least once every hour, and sometime many times at an interval. This little girl is sure developing very fast and getting very curious at everything.

I have got two love bites on my thigh today because she was not too happy with me preparing dinner and ignoring her. After the first bite, she decided that mummy was not listening and gave another bite. In case you are wondering if they feel like love bites, no way.. they hurt. "Heidi" I shouted again and I raised my voice uncontrollably at Heidi. Surprisely, she can sense my outburst of anger very well because she shows me a face "Mummy scolded me.. wah wah...".

Heidi is just so cute.