Sunday 29 March 2009

Otitis Media (Part 2)

Heidi went for a second checkup at Outram Polyclinic last Friday and was seen by another doctor. Heidi's condition has improved, but not fully recovered. Her ear drum is still wet. Poor Heidi. Another round of antibiotic. This time round, it is a oral prescription and oddly, the antibiotic is Augmentin. Seem to me Augmentin is a all-cure medicine for virus. Oliver took it when he had urinary tract infection.

This set me thinking. This medicine must be so strong that it kills all virus strains in the body, be it good or bad ones. Unlike ear drops which tackle the ear inflection heads on, oral antibiotic is basically blind and go to all parts of the body. Today, Heidi has diarrhea. Initially, I think it is due to the sweet potato. But after reading up on the side effects of taking Augmentin, I realise the medicine is more likely to be the cause, since Heidi has not suffered from diarrhea since she starts taking solid.

Being a parent with limited knowledge in medicine, I can only place my trust in the doctors we visit and codes of ethics practiced by these medics. Many parents would share the same sentiment as me. It is perhaps time for me to read up more in this area.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Middle Ear Inflammation (Otitis Media)

Bad mood on Sunday evening before she had fever at night

Just after Oliver recovered from his urinary tract infection. Heidi had low grade fever on Sunday and the temperature went down on Tuesday morning. On Friday, I saw pus coming out of Heidi's right ear and realised she had an ear infection. This could have accounted for her recent frequent shaking of head.

I only bought Heidi to doctor that afternoon as I was packed with meetings in the morning. However, I managed to squeeze out sometime to surf the net and read about ear infection. Ear infection is considered as a common problem for babies. And after reading it, I decide to go to Polyclinics rather than a paeditrician. I hope I will not regret this move as after seeing the doctor, I definitely agree with the opinion that if I pay peanut I get monkeys. Anyway, why did I choose polyclinic instead of a GP. The reason is that in my perception, polyclinics usually prescribe 'safe' medicine and the stock run out faster than general practitioner.

Although the doctor did not say much, I concluded that Heidi has middle ear inflammation and she has to be treated with antibiotics ear drops. The infection had caused her ear drum to burst, releasing pus into the ear canal. Although it is considered common for babies to have ear infection, it does worry me to see pus flushing from Heidi's right ear.

The eustachian tubes which drain fluids from the ears down the back of the nose and the throat and keep the middle ear ventilated are shorter in baby than adult, so germs can easily travel through them into the middle ear. This is made worse when babies spend a lot of time on their backs. The cause was usually due to bacteria or viruses.

We will have to bring Heidi for a post-mortem to ensure her right ear recover fully next Friday. Hope she will recover soon.

Saturday 14 March 2009

Heidi's favourite sports

Heidi's favourite sports these days is jumping on the bouncer, and she does the jumping very well. I love to watch her in action and captured her jumping in video. Too bad that my internet connection speed is too slow for uploading the video clip.

Friday 13 March 2009

My Girl My Girl

Heidi is indeed my girl. She must have missed me so much during the day. Every night, she will stick to me like glue. The moment I walk out of her sight, she will be miserable. I trick her with toys but that only last for a while. Once she sees me walking past her, she will held out her hand prompting me to carry her. If I ignore her, she will cry until I hold her in my arms. And at the very moment, she will stop whining.

If only I have the whole time in this world to carry her, I will really do so. Her little warm body and her sunny smile always melt my heart. Heidi has recently even learnt to give me a tight hug around my neck (her hands are short) and a wet kiss on my face wherever I pick her up from the infant care centre. I cannot help myself wishing this moment will never end and she will be my little baby girl forever.

Oliver was also like this when he was 8 month old.

Friday 6 March 2009

Heidi has her 5-in-1 jab today

Little Heidi went to Outram Polyclinics for her 5-in-1 jab today. She is such an angel, behaving very well. She endured the pain of the jab with a empty stomach. Not even a single drop of tear or crying today, just grumbling when needle was removed by the nurse. The nurse was friendly and the whole session took less than 15 minutes. On the way back to infant care centre, Heidi was already in the sumberland. Well done Heidi!

Monday 2 March 2009

Baby Singapore at Tampines North CC

Heidi & Jun Xiang

Last Sunday was the launch of Baby Singapore 2009 at Tampines North CC. It was fun at work to see so many babies participating. The hall was packed with about 150 babies with their folks. And what a coincidence to meet my poly friend Winnie at Baby Singapore 2009 at Tampines North CC. Jun Xiang is Winnie's third child. The first two are already grown-up with the eldest already in secondary 1. Compared to her, I still have a long way to go. For now, I will learn to enjoy my children when they are still cute and easy to "bully". Haha. Not quite though. With Heidi pulling my hair everyday, I am already her object of abuse.

Sunday 1 March 2009