Tuesday 17 February 2009

Heidi and her annoying moments

Refusal to drink milk, whether it is from the bottle or spoon. And no one, not even the school can pacify Heidi to drink her milk.

The first attempt is to feed Heidi through the bottle. When she refused, the caregiver will take a break and feed her later. After trying for a while, the caregiver will resort to feeding Heidi by spoon. Yesterday, I was told that they even try to feed Heidi through a syringe. She simply refused to drink and got really upset when the spoon was near her mouth. And the spoon was just near her mouth, not even touching it.

Alice who is in charge of the infant care section asked if I changed my diet. Probably not, as Heidi still enjoys latching on. It could be the phelgm? Probably not, as she can drink really well while she is sleeping. Now, what can be the reason? I probably will never ever know.

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