Tuesday 17 February 2009

PAssion News January 2009

Heidi and I appeared in PA's newsletter. I looked really ugly here. = (

Heidi and her annoying moments

Refusal to drink milk, whether it is from the bottle or spoon. And no one, not even the school can pacify Heidi to drink her milk.

The first attempt is to feed Heidi through the bottle. When she refused, the caregiver will take a break and feed her later. After trying for a while, the caregiver will resort to feeding Heidi by spoon. Yesterday, I was told that they even try to feed Heidi through a syringe. She simply refused to drink and got really upset when the spoon was near her mouth. And the spoon was just near her mouth, not even touching it.

Alice who is in charge of the infant care section asked if I changed my diet. Probably not, as Heidi still enjoys latching on. It could be the phelgm? Probably not, as she can drink really well while she is sleeping. Now, what can be the reason? I probably will never ever know.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Rolling over and sleeping on the edge

Heidi seems to be a fast developer. Not only does she babbles non-stop at times, she can now roll over from a prone position to her back and back to her prone position, something which I think Oliver took a long while to learn.

She is also rolling in her sleep and sleeping on the edge of her cot and Sophia's bed. She can do that many times in the middle of the night and Sophia always has to put her back.

A couple of nights ago, Heidi did 4 consecutive rollovers on our bed. What a showoff!

Heidi at Delcare

Saturday 7 February 2009

Oliver vs Heidi

There are quite a few difference between Oliver and Heidi.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Heidi, I miss you so much

Back to work, but image of Heidi keeps coming back to my mind. Gosh, I miss you so much.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Starting solids for Heidi

Today is the first day Heidi tries solid, a teaspoon of cereal. She takes to it well. I am so proud of Heidi.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Driving lesson for Heidi

I am a poor driver with many records of minor accidents. Behind wheels, I am nervous and my heart is a beat faster. I rather take a cab than drive, although I secretly envy people who can drive so well. I wonder whether I will one day drive a car with confidence. I hope Heidi will not inherit my bad driving skill. Looking at the way Heidi touches the gear, I think my worries are totally uncalled for.