Thursday 11 December 2008

Heidi's First Book

After a few visits to Borders, I finally found a book, 'Your Personal Penguin' for Heidi. I want Heidi's first book to be a special one, one that carries special message from me to her. Sandra Boynton was the author and a song accompanied the book which was sung by Davy Joines of the Monkees. A free copy of the song can be downloaded at . I am learning to sing the song but quite out of tune (quite difficult leh). Nonetheless Heidi loves it.

The message in the book goes like this...

I like you a lot.
You're funny and kind
So let me explain
what I have in mind...

I want to be your personal penguin
I want to walk right by your side
I want to be your personal penguin
I want to travel with you far and wide
Wherever you go, I'll go there too.
Here and there and everywhere and always with you.
I want to be your personal penguin from now on

Now, lots of other penguins seem to do fine
in a universe of nothing but ice
But if I could be yours and you could be mine
Our cozy little world would be twice as nice

I want to be your personal penguin
I want to talk with you night and day
I want to listen to whatever you say.
Look at these wings
so perfect to hold you.
I'd like to say again what I have already told you.

Let me be your personal penguin
Imagine me, your personal penguin
I want to be your personal penguin from now on!