Thursday 18 December 2008

Heidi sleeps through the night

How blessed I am with Heidi girl girl (that's how I call her) sleeps through the night. Every night at around 11 pm, she will doze off while drinking milk. Then she will sleep till the next morning and wakes up between 9.00 and 10.00 am. At night when she needs to drink, she just move around on her bed although still in dreamland. She would usually need milk feed at around 2.00 and 5.00 am.

Yet, Heidi still need to be trained in her bottle drinking skill. She has not taken a liking to bottle after training her to drink from bottle for one month since she was two months old. This trait is similar to Oliver. But Oliver is a lot more stubborn than Heidi. I can still remember those days when Oliver refused the bottle. He rather starved for hours than to drink from bottle. I would have had let him suckle if there was enough milk. Inadequate milk supply and his refusal to drink from bottle led to a vicious cycle of sleepless days and nights and endless round of hunger pangs. I once cruelly let Oliver cried for four hours in the hope that he would drink from bottle. Although he did for the moment, you simply could not change him. No means no. In the end, I had to resort to feeding him while he was sleeping. It worked quite well. Now I see it coming from Heidi. Feeding her while sleeping. Hope it will not get worst than that

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