Monday 29 December 2008

Fever and Conjunctivitis

First it was Oliver, then it was me, and then poor Heidi. The virus sreaded from Oliver to finally Heidi. This is the first time Heidi fell sick and had a temperature. I felt so sorry for her as I was the one who passed the virus to her. Her eyes were red from Conjunctivitis. She slept more than usual during the day, but woke up at nights crying and even screaming. Her scream was a short and sharp one, but usually in her sleep. Her crying and fidgeting would wake her up. I tried to feed but she would continue crying. She merely want comfort with me carrying her around. Once I put her down, she would open her eyes and demanded to be carried. Poor Heidi, I hope you recover fast.

Sunday 28 December 2008

Unlike Oliver, Heidi's legs are fatter than Oliver's at the 3-4 months old stage. Her right leg even looks a bit like a Michelin tyre mascot.

Like Oliver, she loves to kick those trinkets placed above her feet. She shrieks and squeals when she kicks too, and does a good impersonation of Bruce Lee.

Friday 26 December 2008

Thursday 18 December 2008

Heidi sleeps through the night

How blessed I am with Heidi girl girl (that's how I call her) sleeps through the night. Every night at around 11 pm, she will doze off while drinking milk. Then she will sleep till the next morning and wakes up between 9.00 and 10.00 am. At night when she needs to drink, she just move around on her bed although still in dreamland. She would usually need milk feed at around 2.00 and 5.00 am.

Yet, Heidi still need to be trained in her bottle drinking skill. She has not taken a liking to bottle after training her to drink from bottle for one month since she was two months old. This trait is similar to Oliver. But Oliver is a lot more stubborn than Heidi. I can still remember those days when Oliver refused the bottle. He rather starved for hours than to drink from bottle. I would have had let him suckle if there was enough milk. Inadequate milk supply and his refusal to drink from bottle led to a vicious cycle of sleepless days and nights and endless round of hunger pangs. I once cruelly let Oliver cried for four hours in the hope that he would drink from bottle. Although he did for the moment, you simply could not change him. No means no. In the end, I had to resort to feeding him while he was sleeping. It worked quite well. Now I see it coming from Heidi. Feeding her while sleeping. Hope it will not get worst than that

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Getting ready for school

It was a day of shopping for Heidi's stuff. Another one and a half month, Heidi will go to Del-Care infant care. For almost 3 months, we are almost inseparable. She goes wherever I go. I am sure that I am gonna miss her so much... her laughters, her screaming, her sweaty cold feets. It is lucky that I can spend more time with Heidi than Oliver due to the extra month of maternity leave. With Oliver, I had 3 months of maternity leave and took 1 month of own leave. Oliver fell sick immediately one week after going Del-Care. I hope this time round, Heidi will have stronger immunity when she goes Del-Care.

"Am I the fairest of them all?"

Thursday 11 December 2008

Heidi's First Book

After a few visits to Borders, I finally found a book, 'Your Personal Penguin' for Heidi. I want Heidi's first book to be a special one, one that carries special message from me to her. Sandra Boynton was the author and a song accompanied the book which was sung by Davy Joines of the Monkees. A free copy of the song can be downloaded at . I am learning to sing the song but quite out of tune (quite difficult leh). Nonetheless Heidi loves it.

The message in the book goes like this...

I like you a lot.
You're funny and kind
So let me explain
what I have in mind...

I want to be your personal penguin
I want to walk right by your side
I want to be your personal penguin
I want to travel with you far and wide
Wherever you go, I'll go there too.
Here and there and everywhere and always with you.
I want to be your personal penguin from now on

Now, lots of other penguins seem to do fine
in a universe of nothing but ice
But if I could be yours and you could be mine
Our cozy little world would be twice as nice

I want to be your personal penguin
I want to talk with you night and day
I want to listen to whatever you say.
Look at these wings
so perfect to hold you.
I'd like to say again what I have already told you.

Let me be your personal penguin
Imagine me, your personal penguin
I want to be your personal penguin from now on!

Wednesday 10 December 2008

The Third Month

Heidi can do all these by now..

- laugh out loud

- on stomach, lift head up 90 degrees

- squeal in delight

- bring both hands together

- smile spontaneously

- watch and follow an object from one side to the other

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Heidi loves to talk and sing

Heidi has a beautiful voice. It is very clear and loud. It will vary in tone and breath when she expresses what she wants. She will smile at you and even laugh out loud when you tickle her funny bone. It is sometime unbelievable that a human so small can have such a loud yet beautiful voice. Heidi, I look forward to the day when you sing to us.

Watch Heidi kicking the beach ball

We tried this game of ball kicking with Oliver and now, Heidi though younger, can kick the ball equally well too.

Monday 1 December 2008