Friday 10 October 2008

Heidi is 1 month, 1 week and 1 day old today

I cannot believe when Boon Heng tells me it is Friday today. I keep thinking today is Thursday or even Wednesday. I have totally lost track of time because my life now is so routine. Everyday, I will go through the same routine, well almost if Heidi's eating schedule is not so erratic.
Here's a typical day of my life...
7.30 am
Heidi wakes up
8.00 am
Moo moo time
Bathing time for Heidi
9.00 am
Day dream time for Heidi
10.00 am
Heidi sleeps
Housework or clear office emails
12.oo nn
Lonely lunch time
12.30 pm
Moo Moo time for Heidi
Possibly rest time for me if Heidi continues to sleep
2.30 pm
Moo Moo time
5.30 pm
Moo Moo time
630 pm
7.30 pm
Oliver comes home
8.30 pm
Moo Moo time
Family time
10.00 pm
Oliver sleeps
11.00 pm
Heidi sleeps
Suppertime for me
I rest
2.30 am, 4.30am, 6.30am
Heidi wakes up at these hours or sleeps through some while having more milk

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