Thursday 30 October 2008

Heidi girl girl is full of smiles

It is true to say that when your baby has her first smile, it will melt your heart. It happened to me. When Oliver had his first smile, I tear (must live up to my dramamama reputation and also mainly Oliver is such a difficult baby). With Heidi, her smile melt my heart. She is such a beauty in my eyes. Her sunny face and constant smiles with her dimbles are contagious. I sometimes wonder what I have done to deserve such beautiful smiles. It is almost magical. Perhap this is the joy of parenting. Go on smiling, you pretty girl girl.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Full month celebration

Dad and Dad's sister (my gugu)
My poly friend Margaret, Terence & Noah

Mei Choo, Kenneth, Gina, Edward & Eric

My lookalike cousin Yvonne and her daughters
It was two weeks later than what was planned that we celebrated Heidi's full month celebration. Oliver was infected with HFMD and the celebration got to postpone. Life has got its surprises and this is definitely unexpected and one of them. Lucky thing is that we celebrated it at StarDuS clubhouse and manage to change the date without much hassle. The caterer Fuzine was also very allocating to our change of date.
However, only one of my friends can turn up during the celebration. Everyone had prior commitments. Perhap this is good as instead of meeting at the celebration, they came to visit at my place and we could spend more time chit chatting.

Friday 10 October 2008

Heidi is 1 month, 1 week and 1 day old today

I cannot believe when Boon Heng tells me it is Friday today. I keep thinking today is Thursday or even Wednesday. I have totally lost track of time because my life now is so routine. Everyday, I will go through the same routine, well almost if Heidi's eating schedule is not so erratic.
Here's a typical day of my life...
7.30 am
Heidi wakes up
8.00 am
Moo moo time
Bathing time for Heidi
9.00 am
Day dream time for Heidi
10.00 am
Heidi sleeps
Housework or clear office emails
12.oo nn
Lonely lunch time
12.30 pm
Moo Moo time for Heidi
Possibly rest time for me if Heidi continues to sleep
2.30 pm
Moo Moo time
5.30 pm
Moo Moo time
630 pm
7.30 pm
Oliver comes home
8.30 pm
Moo Moo time
Family time
10.00 pm
Oliver sleeps
11.00 pm
Heidi sleeps
Suppertime for me
I rest
2.30 am, 4.30am, 6.30am
Heidi wakes up at these hours or sleeps through some while having more milk

Thursday 2 October 2008

Sharp nails no more

Heidi's nails have grown incredibly long and sharp in her first 30 days of life. Already one month, I took the pleasure to cut them off. Heidi does not have to wear mittens all day long. We can now see her moving her little fingers and she wasted no time to try them out by pulling my hair. At Great World City Foodcourt, we found her sleeping in the pram holding our shopping bag. Such a cute sight but my camera was not in sight. = (