Monday 14 April 2008

Sinus Congestion

I have been having sinus for the longest time. Even before I am expecting, those polytechnic days with congested nose and teary eyes has made a nasty comeback. The air is really bad in Singapore. And the sinus does not seem to get better when I got pregnant. I remember my health condition was in peak form when I was carrying Oliver. Not this time round. Perhaps I had not taken good care of myself during the confinement period, or perhaps, I am two years older now. Or, according to the book on pregnancy, it is due to the high levels of estrogen and progesterone circulating in the body that bring increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of my nose, causing them to soften and swell - just the same as the cervix does in preparation for childirth. And I am expecting this stuffiness to actually get worse before it gets better. And lucky for me, some will actually get a nosebleed. Hope not.

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