Saturday 30 March 2013

She is such a belle!

We cannot resist that beautiful smile. It is pretty obvious that Heidi has taken over the top spot to be the belle of the ball, in Boon Heng's eyes. The next in line, if you wonder, is not me lah. What else... his Alfa lady in red. Heidi is so cute, says Boon Heng to me almost every other day.

We signed up Heidi for Ballet class at Tanjong Pagar CC. Today is the second lesson and she seems to enjoy it much better than the first. Probably she wears the ballet tutu for the first time, and looking pretty put her in high spirits. Her teacher, Miss Garnel, was all praise for her. Even her drama class teacher, Miss Sera, told me that Heidi was very spontaneous today and exude confident. My girl has come a long way to combat her introvert self and opening up her world to others. Hearing these compliments make me a proud mommy. Hope my girl realizes her newfound confident and finds her brave soul to explore what life has to offer!

Friday 22 March 2013

Thursday 14 March 2013

Why I cannot turn my eyes

Heidi looked into the mirror and asked, why I turned my head, I cannot turn my eye. My eyes keep following me.

Homemade kaya

Not too sure if I got it right. The colour looked lighter than those I bought outside, despite cooking in the crockpot for two and a half hour. Tasted it and thought it tasted really sweet, despite cutting down on the amount of sugar suggested by the recipe. Hope Heidi, a lover of kaya bread will like it. Can't wait to see the smile on her face later.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Second attempt at Pandan cake

In progress of perfecting it and still not quite there yet..

Friday 1 March 2013

Who is the real owner of Vera's drawing?

Last Sunday was Vivian's birthday celebration at brother's place. My niece Vera gave us her beautiful drawing of Hello Kitty and Mickey Mouse. Vera could draw very well, and Oliver and Heidi both look up to her. As the biggest jie jie, Vera has natural abilities when it comes to interacting with younger kids. But there is only one big jie jie and one drawing, who own the drawing? Oliver claimed Vera gave to her, Heidi denied it and squealed that the drawing belonged to her.

Now, take a look at the drawing... The 'owner' staked her claim.