Saturday 31 December 2011

The Beach

Off to the beach we went on New Year's Eve. After a few weeks of rainy weather where we couldn't use the tent given to us by Karen, we finally pitched it one a popular stretch of East Coast.
Oliver and Heidi wated little time to build their volcano and mountain range.
Surprisingly, Heidi was very adventuous on that day, not only climbng the breakwater, but going into the water with me as well.

The beach... we will be back!

Thursday 29 December 2011

Pink workbook

We bought these two workbooks for Oliver and Heidi. The education system is really stressful these days for Singapore children. Our thought is to start now by inculcating a habit of learning at home, than struggling down the road. It is to my relief that Oliver does enjoy doing some of these exercises. And not forgeting Heidi, we bought another workbook for her.

Last night, Heidi saw these workbooks on my table. The blue coloured book is for Heidi and the pink coloured book for Oliver. Heidi insisted on having the pink workbook. So I explained to her that the blue workbook is for her age.."See this book is for 3 years old" and pointed to the number 3. She was unhappy and reasoned with me. "No, this book is for 1 year old (pointing to the 1 (Workbook '1') and for 5 years old (meaning it is for Oliver)". I want the pink book".

Saturday 24 December 2011

Angels at Del-Care

Season of giving... not quite for our little girl with her Hersey chocolate in the basket.

Heidi refusing to take picture with her classmates.

She melts my heart ...

Monday 12 December 2011


We were at Forum Galleria for our weekly music lessons and caught this half-hour musical called Gruffalo at the atrium. The songs and story was pretty good, so much so that we bought a DVD of it. Heidi was pretty scared of the Gruffalo though. Apparently, it is quite an established franchise with related books, movie, fan site etc.

Monday 5 December 2011

Heidi's first swimming lesson

Heidi clad in blue swimsuit

Not quite Heidi's cup of tea. At first, she joined the activity of walking around the pool. Then she started to think twice about joining and finally needed some personal consulting session by the coach before joining the group activity. Then, she decided that she really did not like the session and let out a loud cry. Oh dear, Heidi has definitely gotten the worst of our gene of being reserved.