Thursday 30 December 2010

Papa Palheta for true blue coffee lover

One thing good about reading forums is that some of the forumers share interesting places that they have visited. In fact I get most of my news nowadays from a car forum, as they are faster and juicier.

One thread which I stumbled upon recently is about coffee, and a fabulous place which roasts their own beans. This place is a hidden gem, and so we decided to check it out during one of our days off, minus Oliver and Heidi of course. Otherwise, there's no chance to enjoy the coffee.

The place is really quaint, in a back alley in Hooper Road and you wouldn't have realised its existence if you are travelling on the parallel main road. Sophia ordered a cappucino, while I tried to be more adventuous and ordered something full-bodied and black from Indonesia, can't remember the name though as it was recommended by the staff.

Sometimes you go to a place for the first time and you know that everything is right, and you want to come back again. This is one such place. The crowd and staff here seems like coffee cognoscenti. That's one level up from connoisseur :-)

Sophia thinks the cappuccino is really good. The joint is also unique in that it is not a licensed F&B outlet, or so I understand from the thread. So they don't bill you and there is no price on the coffee. You just pay for whatever you think your coffee is worth, and as it was during the Christmas period, a huge sock was placed near the counter for you to put your money.

My coffee was good too. No sugar and no bitter or sour aftertaste.

Unfortunately the place might not last long. They are opening a full F&B outlet near our office. Hope they can bring the ambience along with the coffee machines.

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