Saturday 3 April 2010

Growing up fast

Heidi never ceases to amaze us. As compared to Oliver, she is really a quick learner and understands instructions really well.

She would indicate to us that she has poo on her diaper. In the last few weeks, she even sat on the potty when she wanted to poo. Today, she surprised us by sitting on the potty waiting for her turn to shower while I was showering Oliver. The next moment she was gone and I noticed that she had pooed on the potty! So clever!

Other things that she can do now is imitating the bark of a dog, the meow of a cat, indicating her fear, calling papa, pointing to Oliver, Mommy, me or herself when asked of the whereabout, choosing her shoes, trying to wear her shoes, drinking from a straw, saying mama whenever she sees my handphone, feeding herself, making monster face. She also doesn't wake up for night feed.

I think I have got a genius daughter.

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