Tuesday 20 April 2010

Taking Passport Pictures

Immigration gave parents a tough job.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

4D3N Stay at Ritz Carlton Millenia

With our failed plan to leave the country over the Easter weekend and three-day closure of childcare centre, we ended up staying in Ritz Carlton Millenia (a.k.a Merlion Hotel) for three nights. We paid two nights and the third night was on the house. Perfect getaway for us. We checked in on Sunday and left on Tuesday afternoon. It would be truly perfect if not for my monthly visit by my "yi ma", and not again during my stay at Ritz! No soaking in the bathtub with the beautiful city view.
View from the bathroom.Heidi, Oliver and Boon Heng were the lucky ones. Soaked themselves for almost everyday. I only have the rain shower bath to comfort my tired soul. Breakfast at the Green House were more sumptuous as we became quite bored of the meals served at the Club Lounge. We were quite turned off when they served fried mee hoon, vegetable and chicken for a particular night, and the taste were no where compared to those we have had at the Jalan Berseh Market. Other nights, we had lasagne and toasted duck crepes. The desserts were simply too sweet and once again, no where near the standard of those we had at Goodwood Park or Rose Vernetta. Our dining experiences were made worst with Oliver not showing any fancy in his food and kept spilling his drink. Heidi were equally fussy as she would throw out food she did not fancy, making a mess out of the place. She would be restless, wanting to climb out of the high chair. Boon Heng and I were mostly swallowing our food.
The Pan family joined us at the Ritz for a swim. The kids were great together and enjoying one another company. Heidi was sleeping at this point when these charming pictures were taken, sound asleep and all the noise in the world could not wake her from her sweet sumberland.

Not sure whether we would return to Ritz again, but I suspect we would. The Bvlgari toiletries, the lofty bed, the thick towels were simply hard to resist and, hey not forgetting the bathtub with a view, I got to use it one of these days!

Saturday 3 April 2010

Growing up fast

Heidi never ceases to amaze us. As compared to Oliver, she is really a quick learner and understands instructions really well.

She would indicate to us that she has poo on her diaper. In the last few weeks, she even sat on the potty when she wanted to poo. Today, she surprised us by sitting on the potty waiting for her turn to shower while I was showering Oliver. The next moment she was gone and I noticed that she had pooed on the potty! So clever!

Other things that she can do now is imitating the bark of a dog, the meow of a cat, indicating her fear, calling papa, pointing to Oliver, Mommy, me or herself when asked of the whereabout, choosing her shoes, trying to wear her shoes, drinking from a straw, saying mama whenever she sees my handphone, feeding herself, making monster face. She also doesn't wake up for night feed.

I think I have got a genius daughter.