Wednesday 3 June 2009

As if she has lost her chicken

These words should be read out in Cantonese. And this is how Heidi's infant caregiver Alice describes her when Heidi is at her getting ready to sleep mode. Heidi would mumble and mumble with her eyes closed before falling into deep sleep. Heidi acts as if she has lost her chicken and grumbling about it, even when she is falling asleep. How aptly the description fits her, except that I am not looking at a grumpy face, but a sweet-looking and sweaty-filled face.

Heidi likes to talk a lot and some days, she talks non-stop. It can get a bit overwhelming when the four of us are seated in the car. The enclosed space make her little voice louder and higher in pitch. Thankfully, Oliver is the least disturbed by it. He can still sleep with the 'noise'.

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