Friday 12 June 2009

Blister on feet

Two days ago, Heidi had fever which lasted for two days. Then Mdm Choo found this blister on her feet on Monday morning and I had to bring her home in case the blister is a sign of the onset of HFMD. At about noon, we brought her to see Dr Chua at Tanjong Pagar Plaza. It was not HFMD. Phew! To play safe, Dr Chua gave five days child mc so that she can be kept at home.

Can't get enough of Sticky Bun

When my office was at River Valley, we frequent Robertson Quaye where we had Japanese Ramen and before lunchtime, would pop by the Simply Bread bakery for some sinful Sticky Buns. Unfortunately, just like the fate of StarDuS Clubhouse, the bakery did not make it at River Valley. It had been quite sometime since I last ate sticky bun. It has another branch by the name of Simply Sandwich at Shenton way, but somehow the bun tastes different to me. The taste and freshness of the "river" are no longer there. Anyway, the reason why I suddenly have this urge to write about sticky bun is all accredited to my little nine months old Heidi. Without any doubt, Heidi is like a bun that is sticky and deliciously sweet. Most of the times, she is covered with maple sweats and you cannot help but to give her a huge bite. She is sinfully addicted. Too much of the sticky maple syrup and she sticks you like a glue. That, will be too much for a mother's soul. For the moment, I still can't get enough of this sticky bun. Time to give her another bite.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

As if she has lost her chicken

These words should be read out in Cantonese. And this is how Heidi's infant caregiver Alice describes her when Heidi is at her getting ready to sleep mode. Heidi would mumble and mumble with her eyes closed before falling into deep sleep. Heidi acts as if she has lost her chicken and grumbling about it, even when she is falling asleep. How aptly the description fits her, except that I am not looking at a grumpy face, but a sweet-looking and sweaty-filled face.

Heidi likes to talk a lot and some days, she talks non-stop. It can get a bit overwhelming when the four of us are seated in the car. The enclosed space make her little voice louder and higher in pitch. Thankfully, Oliver is the least disturbed by it. He can still sleep with the 'noise'.

Monday 1 June 2009

Heidi pull up to stand

Two more days before turning nine months old, Heidi is all ready to pull herself up to standing position from sitting. Eight-month Heidi grows at a very fast pace. At the start of eight-month, she was creeping. These days, we see two lizards creeping around at home. The bigger lizard come with a big mop on his head and literally clean the floor for us. Oliver has progressed from the position of a struggling cockroach on-the-same-spot to a moving one.

Into the second week, Heidi could crawl over hurdles. Into the third week, she could get into sitting position from stomach, and stand holding on to me or our sofa. Picking up tiny objects with her fingers has been an easy feat. "Ta ta" is her recent words and she still continues to say "mama" and "papa". Over the weekend and into the fourth week, Heidi could clap her hands. Just last night, I saw Heidi pulling herself from sitting to standing position at our low table. Too bad, Boon Heng had to accompany Oliver in the bedroom. I was proudly sharing with Boon Heng of Heidi's development, but he said that he had seen her standing before and it was nothing new. Hmm, I am not too sure about that.