Friday 29 May 2009

Farewell to Fairy Tooth and see you again...

... but not too soon please. How very glad I am with the final eruption of Heidi's four pearly whites! I can now look forward to more sleep at night. For more than a month, since the fairy tooth came, Heidi would wake up almost every hour (at least four times every night). It had been a painful teething experience for her, and wakefulness nights for me. This week, Heidi only wakes up twice a night. Finally! more sleep and rest for a fast-aging Sophia.

Tuesday 19 May 2009


Just like Oliver, Heidi is beginning to show signs of quirkiness.

Oliver would flip the ladybird container in front of his pram wide open. Whenever we closed it while he was not looking, he would naturally flip it back.

As for Heidi, she's doing the same with the aircon vent in the car. It must always be flip down, and she will also notice it when we try to sneakily flip it up.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Wave Goodbye

Heidi could now wave goodbye when you wave at her. She probably picked this up in school and she started doing it about 2 or 3 weeks ago. She also automatically waves goodbye sometimes when the lift door closes. Another one of Heidi's "quicker than Oliver" milestones.

Ready for a 3rd child

Many friends asked me the question of me having a third child. Even Boon Heng cracked this greatest joke of asking me to have a third child.
I must say I enjoy cuddling Heidi at her 8-month. Her tiny warm body is just the right size to hold and cuddle. I will probaby miss her at this stage when she grows older and at a very fast pace.

But for now, the answer is a No and Never. Many reasons why so:

1) I will not have the physical and mental energy to look after 3 kids
2) If I will to have one next year, I will be 60 years old when the kid turns 21 years old
3) I will not get a full-time helper as I will not want to scarfice my privacy
4) Three is a crowd. If I have 3 kids, I will go for 4 as one of the kids will feel left out.
5) I have one boy and one girl, and that is just perfect.

Monday 11 May 2009

Siblings love

At Merlion Park

At Home

At Coffee Bean, Merlion Park

An early start at Pole Dance

At Paragon

Sunday 10 May 2009

First bite at Fish and doing fine

Heidi started taking fish with her porridge in Del-care on 4 May and she has been doing fine so far. While Oliver has traits of a puppy, Heidi has those of a mouse. Heidi fancies food, unlike Oliver. She salivates at the sight of food, wants to be one of the diners when we eat our meals. Give her anything, and she will take anything. Heidi has only one little tooth at her lower jaw, and it is not even fully grown yet.

At her mealtimes, I will sometimes walk away to get tissue to wipe her mouth. She will get very upset and scream thinking that I walk away with her food. There was one time, I did not make enough for her. I could sense her starting to get very upset when the spoon has lesser portion than those earlier scoops. Then she finally screamed at the sight of an empty bowl. Alright, alright, I assured her that I would make more rice cereal for her. She ended up having two bowls of rice cereal and it was really a bit too much for tiny Heidi. She threw up 30 minutes later. A tiny mouse with a huge appetite, and a BIG squeaky scream. That's Heidi at her 8 month.