Tuesday 23 September 2008

How is Heidi?

This is the question most of my friends asked as some of them knew the "difficulties" I faced with Oliver when he was a baby. And I am really glad to say experiences with Oliver really help me in coping with the demands as a mother. But perhaps it is still too early to tell as for now, I still have the luxury of confinement lady to help me look after Heidi through the night, although I have to wake up to nurse Heidi. An extra pair of hands can make a lot of difference.

5 more days and Auntie Yong (my confinement lady) will leave for the comfort of her home. She is the same confinement lady I had for Oliver's too. She is happy-go-lucky, a TV addict, a regular buyer of 4D and toto, a caring wife, and has a special affinity with babies. The thought of me alone with Oliver for 3 months still scares me. Now, it will be Heidi and I for another 4 months.

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