Thursday 25 September 2008

Time with Heidi

Having two kids mean one parent has to spend more time with one kid and less with another. In our case, Boon Heng is the main caregiver of Oliver's. Only when Oliver is in school that we find opportunities like this, a picture of Boon Heng and Heidi.

Heidi is a little screamer

And guess she inherits the gene from who? Of course not me, please. Big mouth does not equate to Big Screamer.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

More about Heidi

As much as I hate to compare Oliver and Heidi, but the only way to describe Heidi is probably to compare the differences between them...

Heidi can drink better and hence I got to sleep more = ) Yet Heidi likes to make little sounds when she is sleeping and even when she is contented. Her voice is sharp and she has higher pitch than Oliver (of course since Oliver is a boy and Heidi a girl). But Heidi can cry really loud and scream when her needs are not met. I think she will probably be the fierce one around the house.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

How is Heidi?

This is the question most of my friends asked as some of them knew the "difficulties" I faced with Oliver when he was a baby. And I am really glad to say experiences with Oliver really help me in coping with the demands as a mother. But perhaps it is still too early to tell as for now, I still have the luxury of confinement lady to help me look after Heidi through the night, although I have to wake up to nurse Heidi. An extra pair of hands can make a lot of difference.

5 more days and Auntie Yong (my confinement lady) will leave for the comfort of her home. She is the same confinement lady I had for Oliver's too. She is happy-go-lucky, a TV addict, a regular buyer of 4D and toto, a caring wife, and has a special affinity with babies. The thought of me alone with Oliver for 3 months still scares me. Now, it will be Heidi and I for another 4 months.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Oliver calling Heidi

If there's one thing good about the name Heidi, it's that Oliver, by his standard, can pronounce it very accurately. He quite likes Heidi, and will look for her and sayang her. Sometimes late at night when he's about to sleep, which is quite irritating.

However, Oliver don't really allow Sophia to carry Heidi, and will want to cling to Sophia whenever he sees her doing so. The only way to pull him away is to ask him if he wants to go out for a walk.

Friday 12 September 2008

Heidi & Oliver

Can you tell who is who?

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Meet Heidi

Heidi weighs 2.705 kg and measures 48 cm in height

Thursday 4 September 2008

Heidi has arrived!

At 10:01 on 2 September 2008, Heidi said hi to this world.