Friday 15 November 2013

Heidi is developing a sense of humor

Heidi these days is becoming more entertaining as she tries to trick us, make funny antics like shaking her body to make us laugh. There are also a few touching moments when she brought out a pillow for me to rest my head; when I asked her to get me a cup of water while I rest on bed, she would wait until I finished and took it from me to put back on the sink. I just can't stop myself from kissing her cute little face when I think of all these moments. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Lost and 'Found' fishball noodle

Kudo to Boon Heng's search or such luck, we found another fishball noodle which the stall sells noodle of taste quite similar to our fav Tiong Bahru noodle shop. Even the tea seems to brew out if the same tea leaf. The tea is amazingly cheap and the uncle selling it will always make a point to tell us how much is the cost - tea 60 cents, milo 80 cents. Truly, we can hardly find such cheap beverages around. 

We love the simplicity of taste in its soup, and yes, we will return every week to Havelock Road market for its goodness.