Sunday 8 September 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Heidi!

It is Little Pony theme for Heidi's 5th birthday, as my little girl loves horse.  And I thought that I shall be a bit more adventurous to bake rainbow cupcakes for her.  After searching the website for its recipe, it seemed easy, so I decided to give it a try. Just a week before Heidi birthday, I came across an article that talks about artificial colouring and flavoring in our food and how bad it was. Gosh, perhaps rainbow cupcakes might not be a good idea. I started to check for natural food colouring after Gina suggested that I tried beetroot for red colors. It was quite enlightening and fun to make my own colouring, although it took me days to make them. I started with green from pandan leaves as the extract can last about a week without cooking it. Then I made blue from blueberries, but it turned out to be greyish blue which was close to the purple which I tried to extract from red cabbage. I cut and chopped carrot into bits and blend them. Each night, I would enlist Oliver help to make the colour. Glad that Oliver test had just finished and he could help me out. Then finally, I blend strawberry on Sunday to get the pink colour. It was time consuming but fun. And I am quite delighted at the results. Hope my girl will remember down the road how much I love her, and getting those burnt mark on my arm with no regret.