Monday 29 April 2013

Horsey addiction

She went gaga over horse at Legoland. Picture 1- she asked me to take a picture of her and the horse. Picture 3- Heidi was lucky to sit on the horse as it galloped three rounds. Last picture- the first thing she saw when she went into the shop (notice what the girl is holding) and went home with it. Such expensive taste- The Lego horse costs RM 99.20.

Mini me at Legoland Malaysia

After looking at these pictures taken at Legoland Malaysia, I think I see a mini me in Heidi except that she is cuter.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Afternoon out at Wimbly Lu

Yummy rootbeer cake with vanilla ice cream at a secluded place at Jalan Riang (Braddell Road)

Saturday 6 April 2013

Photo taken by herself

No idea what she was doing, and she was raising her hand to take this picture.

Overdose of Ah boys to men theme song

The most successful movie by Jack Neo. Oliver and Heidi singing the theme song almost non-stop when they aren't doing any other things - ah boys to men serving two years for our nation, country with blood, sweat and tears....

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Niece Vera's illustration

Boon Heng was resting on the sofa when Vera drew this. So talented!