Thursday 26 January 2012


Heidi & Oliver never fail to keep us entertained with their antics.

Monday 16 January 2012


Over the last weekend or so, Oliver's appetite seemed to have grown. But still nowhere near Heidi's, of course.We were at Bukit Timah Food Centre no Saturday evening after scaling up the hill, which was a first for Heidi. This was one of the rare occasions that we ate at a hawker centre, as usually the food centre at our place isn't open on weekends.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Movie Fans

Nothing can keep them still for a while except playing their favourite Cars 2 or Transformer.
Oliver doesn't need to blink.
How will they look like when they grow up?

Monday 2 January 2012

Changi Point

We were back in Changi on 2 Jan, it being a holiday. I thought it's a good idea to give them the old pink camera so that they can start to appreciate taking photos. Maybe Heidi will be like this when she grows up.
Deceiving smile.
Oliver just dropped his front tooth a day earlier. This is like a book or album cover.
Ever so photogenic.