Thursday 18 August 2011

2 of Heidi's favourite complaints

WHY SO LONG????????

WHY NOBODY WITH ME??????????????

Friday 12 August 2011

East Coast Park

Our new weekend ritual... swimming and cycling.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Goodbye Smelly Shoes

The smell from these shoes can probably wake dead people. Totally intoxicating. I had tried my best to wash them. But the smell returned once worn.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Tiring flight journey to nowhere

3.40 pm ... We left home to swim at our pool

3.55 pm ... Heidi taking her flight to Japan and unable to stay awide

Heidi was just slowly drifting away, on her own and motionless..
4.00 pm ... time for bed, and home we went.

Friday 5 August 2011

Kids are bundle of joy

Indeed, they are. Having Oliver and Heidi are probably the best decisions I ever made. They have such beautiful faces and they melt your heart with each smile, even with leftover on their two front tooth. I had always wonder where did Oliver get his two big front tooth, and only found the answer recently. Heidi's ones probably follow mine (nicer of course), and (a pity that) she did not inherit my signature big mouth. It is quite clear to us... that Heidi has Boon Heng's look and Oliver has my look, whereas Heidi inherit my character, and Oliver has Boon Heng's. And what if... I have a third one... who would he or she follow...

Recently, the question popped up in my mind. Why so? It is like making the decision now or never. Another two more years, I will be 40 years old. Oh mine... half of my life gone. We would love to have a third child, but I think we would go crazy. I am hardly coping at work now, and working almost alternative nights to clear my work, which is taxing both mentally and physically. I always wonder, when I reach 80 years old (I suppose I would since my grandma both live through that age), what would be my regrets in life. Would not having a third child be one of my regrets or reliefs? At this point in time, I am happy with two. My two beautiful bundle of joy (and pain).