Saturday 30 July 2011

Saturday 23 July 2011

Yvonne's 24 Birthday Party

Yvonne celebrated her 24th birthday at Amara Sanctuary Ville. It was great to meet up with her and brother Augustine after not seeing one another for a few months. Looking back, I would always think that I missed out spending enough time with my younger brother and sister during their growing out days. Those were the days of defiance when home was the last place I want to go back to. Now that I wish that I could have more time to spend with them, but my kids and work would take their priority. A piece of good news that I had that day would be my brother booked a flat in Ponggol. Bells are ringing soon and I certainly will make sure these important occasions cannot be missed.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Farewell Guan Lao Shi

Another teacher, one of my favourites, left Del-care. She is Guan Lao Shi, and had been Heidi's teacher when she was in toddlers' class. She was from China and was on a two year work assignment in Del-care. It is a pity that I did not take any photo of her and Heidi together, as it has been a busy time for me during these periods.

Sometimes, I felt really sorry for our kids attending childcare. They have to learn from very young, the anxiety of separation from familiar faces. I wonder what kind of impact and feeling it left with our children in their growing up life phases.

Heidi's Song

row row row your boat
gently down the stream
merrily merrily down the stream
like a crocrodile